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Updates and New Safety Measures

in Place against COVID-19

The health and safety of every person in our school is our primary concern and we are taking every precaution to prevent potential exposure or spread of COVID-19 within our school.  We are actively partnering with local health departments and closely following guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Here are the new safety measures in place for the school year 2020-2021:


Each classroom table has clear desk dividers. Click here to see a sample of table.


CASPR AC Disinfectant unit installed in every classroom. CASPR stands for Continuous Air and Surface Pathogen Reduction Click Here to learn more.


Screening with a no-contact thermometer before entering.


Have the students and staff wash their hands upon entering the preschool and multiple times a day.


Teachers and staff will be disinfecting toys and high contact surfaces multiple times a day.


All three playgrounds are disinfected after each use.


Drop off and pick up occurs outside the school. Adults are not permitted to enter as per DCF, in order to avoid the spread of the virus.


We have increased ventilation in our classrooms by opening the windows while the children are in the playground. Fans have also been placed in each classroom.


Fabric dress-up costumes have been replaced with vinyl and plastic costumes.


Classroom area rugs have been replaced by vinyl floor cushions.


Every classroom will have a "Wash Me" bin to put all the toys that the children have placed in their mouth.


The children will not be allowed to use the water fountain. Only the teachers will be allowed to use it to refill the sippy cups.


Book Bags and lunchboxes will be disinfected with Lysol Spray before placing them in the child's cubby.


Each child will have his/her own school box with crayons, pencils,     markers, scissors, etc. No sharing!


Students from different classrooms will not mix under any  circumstances.


All the teachers and staff will be wearing a mask. Children 2yrs and older are encouraged to wear the mask while indoors.

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